Saturday, June 23, 2007


On Wed. we drove out past the Wedding Tree in Gros Ventre, wound around the side of the mountain on a one lane dirt road high above Lower Slide Lake, and settled at a secluded campsite on Gros Ventre River. Once our tent was up and the food was stored in the bear box we heading back into town to meet up with Brandon and Sara. As we waited at the bird observatory deck at the Jackson visitor center our friends snuck up behind and surprised us. Many hugs were had. Brandon and Sara are traveling/moving from the Santa Rosa area of California to Pennsylvania. Therefore our friends have a lot of extra weight trailing behind there 2 vehicles (one of which is a custom veggie run Mercedes Wagon). On our way back to the site we watched them in the review mirror as they struggled through the rough and steep road. Luckily all arrived safely to our new home (for the next 3 nights).

The next morning we all slept in till 11am, enjoyed a meal by the water, and then drove to Granite River's trail head that led us to a beautiful waterfall with hot springs at its base.

On Friday we stayed around the campsite and hiked the trails adjacent to us. We walked through hills covered in sage brush that provided views of the surrounding mountains, river, lake, and beyond to the Tetons. The trail then cascaded down to valleys with creeks and forests, then back up onto another hill. The experience was especially breathtaking at sunset. By 9 pm we had returned and began cooking our last meal by campfire light. We shared a bottle of Asian Pear champagne made by our friend Holly and passed out relatively early. By 7am we had said our goodbyes, agreeing that our 3 days had passed all too quickly.

After they left the two of us packed up camp and drove back to Jackson to help Brenna pack for her move to Austin, TX. Most of the day was spent playing with Hunter and talking weddings. Tonight we will feast on home made hot wings and PBR. Tomorrow is another day.


Susan said...

So I really like you guys' blog and the narration. But it is ambiguous to me as to who narrator is! Is it Nikki, or Jeremy, or is it some kind of amalgamation of the two of you i.e. Brangelina, Bennifer, Tomkat, or the newly-minted near and dear to our hearts Bread? We need to think of a name for this union . . .Jikki, Neremy? People help me out here!!

Anonymous said...

Nikoleremy it must be

crimson said...

They call us Nikemery. Seriously.

Susan said...

nikemery i like it!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.